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Tag: Programming

Is Native Mobile Apps Development Dead?

Is Native Mobile Apps Development Dead?

Native Mobile Apps or Hybrid and Web Apps: Which is Right for You? The mobile app development scene is a fast-paced, ever-changing world. While many of the technologies we use today were developed years ago, new ones are being created every day by developers and designers from around the world. One of the most notable changes in recent years has been the rise of hybrid mobile apps. These apps are built using web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, which…

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5 Myths You Need To Eliminate Before Developing An MVP

5 Myths You Need To Eliminate Before Developing An MVP

A minimum viable product is the most simple yet functional version of a product developed to solve a specific customer problem. Why start with MVP? Building an MVP will give you critical insights about your product. It will teach you what works and what doesn’t work in the eyes of the consumers. Also, the primary objective of an MVP is not to push it toward your customers, but instead, to leverage it as a marketing tool to get traction from…

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The Curse of Being a Cloud Developer

The Curse of Being a Cloud Developer

Downsides and Upsides You’ve probably heard the term cloud computing, but do you really know what it’s all about? If you’re like most people, your main understanding of cloud computing is that it can make developers’ lives a lot easier. This isn’t far from the truth. Cloud computing has a ton of benefits that allow developers to save time and money when developing software. But there’s a hidden secret behind cloud computing that most people don’t know about. And this…

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How an Over-Reliance On QA Backfires – The Subtle Art of Man Bashing

How an Over-Reliance On QA Backfires – The Subtle Art of Man Bashing

How an excessive focus on quality can have adverse effects QA is a necessary evil when it comes to creating software, as a lot of gems slip through the cracks. But it can also be a hindrance if an organization puts too much focus on its QA process, instead of the customer experience. This can happen when the QA process becomes an end in itself, rather than a means to an end. This is especially true when QA teams are…

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EC2 vs. ECS―which one should you choose for your AWS application?

EC2 vs. ECS―which one should you choose for your AWS application?

(Spoiler: it’s ECS.) If you’re an AWS developer, you probably know that the cloud giant offers two different ways to run your applications: EC2 instances and ECS containers. Both are powerful and flexible options that give you access to various computing resources and services. But how do they compare? And which option is best for your application? Infrastructure vs. Containers The most basic difference between EC2 and ECS is that the former is an infrastructure-as-a-service option while the latter is…

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I Never Had to Reverse a String in My Career! Why do these questions still come up in Interviews?

I Never Had to Reverse a String in My Career! Why do these questions still come up in Interviews?

Are such questions relevant? Many such questions that might not have any real use-case are often asked during the hiring process. And you might feel — “Why should I know that? I never had to do this in my career and probably will never do.” Let’s go back a bit in time. When you study Computer Science, you might have a feeling that many subjects are not worth learning. Why do they teach these subjects? Automata theory, Compiler design, and…

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Top Mistakes Developers Make While Redesigning

Top Mistakes Developers Make While Redesigning

Change is constant in Software Design as well! Most developers at least the naive ones directly jump to write code when they are presented with a problem. The love of writing code or the eagerness to solve the problem takes over. A good design is something a developer should worry about. Design is the solution that the developer codes. “First, solve the problem. Then, write the code” — John Johnson Redesigning the software is an integral part of developers’ work….

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Use Database Transaction Logs To Implement Observer Pattern

Use Database Transaction Logs To Implement Observer Pattern

Having an observer in the application is not good “To understand is to perceive patterns” — Isaiah Berlin Design patterns help you solve common problems and keep your code maintainable, and extensible. The observer pattern is one such pattern. A set of observers keep watching a change in an object. On any change in the object, the observers are notified of the change. This pattern is used when a change in an object should trigger changes in the observing objects. In the…

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Why Most Get the 80/20 Rule Wrong in Software Development

Why Most Get the 80/20 Rule Wrong in Software Development

How to apply the Pareto principle! It all started in Italy when Vilfredo Pareto observed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. He came up with a principle popularly known as the 80–20 principle that states roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. The majority of results (80%) come from the minority of causes (20%). Various industries have their own interpretations of this rule: In business, 20% of input results in 80%…

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5 Additional Skills a Developer Should Learn To Improve Productivity

5 Additional Skills a Developer Should Learn To Improve Productivity

These skills ease your work I have been working as a software developer for more than 16 years. I have developed few skills in my early career that have helped me do my work efficiently and deliver a good quality code. I can not take the credit myself. It was my seniors who guided me and a little credit goes to the kind of work I got early in my career. These skills are not the core skills like you…

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