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Tag: Design

Top Mistakes Developers Make While Redesigning

Top Mistakes Developers Make While Redesigning

Change is constant in Software Design as well! Most developers at least the naive ones directly jump to write code when they are presented with a problem. The love of writing code or the eagerness to solve the problem takes over. A good design is something a developer should worry about. Design is the solution that the developer codes. “First, solve the problem. Then, write the code” — John Johnson Redesigning the software is an integral part of developers’ work….

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Use Database Transaction Logs To Implement Observer Pattern

Use Database Transaction Logs To Implement Observer Pattern

Having an observer in the application is not good “To understand is to perceive patterns” — Isaiah Berlin Design patterns help you solve common problems and keep your code maintainable, and extensible. The observer pattern is one such pattern. A set of observers keep watching a change in an object. On any change in the object, the observers are notified of the change. This pattern is used when a change in an object should trigger changes in the observing objects. In the…

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Why Most Get the 80/20 Rule Wrong in Software Development

Why Most Get the 80/20 Rule Wrong in Software Development

How to apply the Pareto principle! It all started in Italy when Vilfredo Pareto observed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. He came up with a principle popularly known as the 80–20 principle that states roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. The majority of results (80%) come from the minority of causes (20%). Various industries have their own interpretations of this rule: In business, 20% of input results in 80%…

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5 Additional Skills a Developer Should Learn To Improve Productivity

5 Additional Skills a Developer Should Learn To Improve Productivity

These skills ease your work I have been working as a software developer for more than 16 years. I have developed few skills in my early career that have helped me do my work efficiently and deliver a good quality code. I can not take the credit myself. It was my seniors who guided me and a little credit goes to the kind of work I got early in my career. These skills are not the core skills like you…

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How I Transitioned from Embedded Engineer to Cloud Developer

How I Transitioned from Embedded Engineer to Cloud Developer

It was not easy! I started as an embedded programmer. For the first five years of my career, I worked on the lowest layer of the software. I mainly coded in C, built protocol stacks, firmware, and media middleware. A few of my colleagues started an internet company and I decided to join them irrespective of my inexperience in the technology they were building. I am glad I took this decision. I faced many problems learning the application and backend…

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7 Aspects Of Design That Make Its Review More Important Than That Of Code

7 Aspects Of Design That Make Its Review More Important Than That Of Code

Importance of the design and why you should get the design reviewed It is evident that each time a problem is given to a programmer to solve he tends to kick off with the code. This comes from habit, the eagerness of finding a solution, or the pleasure a programmer experiences from writing the code. Regardless of the domain and the expertise of the developer, if the code is being written without putting a design in place, it’s like constructing…

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Microservices are great. But Don’t Use Microservices for the Heck of It!

Microservices are great. But Don’t Use Microservices for the Heck of It!

Microservices can become painful to manage The Monolithic vs Microservices debate has been going on for quite some time now. I know many developers who started breaking down their monolithic apps into several microservices. I was one of them. Microservices have been gaining a lot of popularity in the developer community, we can not ignore the advantages of monolithic architecture in certain applications. You need to make the right architecture choice depending on numerous factors like the capabilities of your…

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5 Most Important Traits I Look For When I Hire A Developer

5 Most Important Traits I Look For When I Hire A Developer

My perspective towards the process of hiring I have been interviewing developers for years now. My most key lessons came from three types of people: Brilliant hires Ones I regret hiring Rejected candidates I paid more attention to the bad hires and analyzed what I missed when I hired them. I believe if the candidate is a good software developer and a good team player, he can learn any language and possibly any domain of software. It’s not easy to…

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6 Step Approach To Transition From Junior Developer To Senior Developer

6 Step Approach To Transition From Junior Developer To Senior Developer

It’s more than just the number of years of experience There is no clear line between a Junior Developer and a Senior Developer. And it’s not just the years of experience that matter. Your designation might be ‘Senior Developer’, but are you really worthy of the title. I understand it is not easy to define the criteria. But the real question is do you feel you can perform all the tasks that a senior developer does. The transition from a…

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How To Improve Your Software Design Skills At Work

How To Improve Your Software Design Skills At Work

Few of my learnings from many years of software development experience and after many mistakes Design is an important part of the software development process. Yet many of us do not pay much attention to the design of the product and start coding directly. There are many conscious ways to improve your design skills every day. Results will start showing up over time. Eventually, a realization comes, better design helps in fewer bugs and better code structure, and ease of…

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