Do Not Join A Large (Service) Company At Entry Level (in India)

Do Not Join A Large (Service) Company At Entry Level (in India)

There are two types of people, one who can work in a big organization and others who love to work in a startup. Find out which one you are!

Nowadays in tier 2 and 3 colleges of India take pride to show 100% placement. Most of their students get placed in giant MNCs (mainly service companies).

Getting into these companies was the rage when I graduated. But I thank god that I could not clear their interview. I think I was too smart for them 😉

Though they are responsible for generating a lot of employment for engineering graduates, they are also responsible for creating a workforce that is not skilled. I don’t blame them, you need all sorts of skills and people at different levels. And I don’t think good work does not happen in these companies. A fresh graduate should be making this decision to go down that path or not.

Today we will talk about why you should not work in these big companies as a fresher.

You might end up with a support job profile

Recently a cousin of mine, a fresh graduate ended up with one of the big companies. They promised to pay him from the beginning of the training. But due to the pandemic, they refused to pay the freshers during the training. Post-training they were given different technologies to learn and create a few projects for learning. Most of them were an addition to their bench strength.

Few got real projects where they are given little to no development work. Most are either doing testing or supporting an existing product.

Less scope to try out things

This starts with restrictions on what you can do, what technologies you can use, and how you work. You have restrictions on everything you do in the big corporations. This leaves very less or no scope to experiment.

On the contrary, in smaller organizations, you have the freedom to choose the technologies you want to use, chance to implement your own ideas.

Trying out too many technologies might sound just scratching the surface, but you might land up with a technology that you would love to use for many years to come.

No bigger picture

It’s not easy to understand the whole system when you are a part of a large organization. In most cases, the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. It’s hard to understand the bigger picture of the project you are working on. Usually, each module of the project is handled by a big team. You get a piece of this module and plenty of time to complete it.

Whereas in a startup you get a chance to interact with everyone in the organization. You get exposure to various steps of the development process. You get to know what is the roadmap and what everyone is doing.

They make you lazy

The slow pace of the big organization makes you lazy. You get a lot of time to finish your tasks, you get used to this, and eventually, this makes you lethargic.

Well in startups you don’t have much time to implement things. Business depends on the tasks you are doing. This enforces you to discover new and faster ways to do things.


Politics is everywhere. I am not saying in startups you won’t find any politics. Any organization is built by people, people are the same everywhere. The environment in Startups is less political than the big organization.

The team in a startup is like a family or a band of friends who are trying to solve a problem. Politics plays almost no role in a startup.

Wrapping It Up

I have worked in a couple of big organizations and in many startups. It was very difficult for me to work in a big organization due to its pace, politics, and process. I left these big organizations in the period of 4–5 months.

My boss used to say —

“There are two types of people, one who can work in a big organization and others who love to work in a startup. And you are a startup guy.”

After my experiences with big companies, I decided to stick with the startups.

This was completely my experience and perspective. Many might disagree with me on this.

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